The Energy Machine Race is already WON, I am the Winner!

  • Last Post 06 December 2023
Chris posted this 21 November 2023

My Friends, is Light Years Ahead!

The result can NOT be changed, we, are the Winner! We are the first to bring Energy Machines to the World! No Liddle Idiots can ever change this Fact! They will try and will Fail!!! Everyone knows what these Liddle Idiots are trying to do!

All those fake Energy Challenge Prizes, all that stuff is just Propaganda Non-Sense! Its the work of People bound by Ignorance!!!


We have already done it, no one else can win this race, because its already Won! I have given all of the world the answer to the Worlds Energy Crisis and truth is, there is none, its an Ignorance Crisis the World faces!


The Liddle Idiots

My Friends, we have a very small group of people, that have a 'cause' a very Liddle Cause, and they have a very Liddle Agenda, with Liddle goals and Liddle Interests, these Liddle Idiots are trying to stop you! These people are Lying to you! These Liddle Idiots are trying to change the Winner of the Race, they are trying to ConTroll You!

Everything is Liddle with these people, they are very small minded, and it is only because of us, we have given them Technology, Inventions, and so on. They are not smart enough to be able to do this for themselves!


What is ConTroll

The Bought and Paid for Shills, Trolls, they actively Con you with Lies and total Lunacy! Always we see very Poorly Educated Fools behind this Idiot Agenda, these are the people that have Trolled you with total Lies, a real Con-Artist Propaganda Bull Sh*t, spiel all the time!

Propaganda is the action of Lying to everyone when the truth stares you right in front of your eyes!


Look at the Evidence!

I have given you pages and pages of evidence showing you how bad people are behaving, against me, to try to stop me!

The TRUTH is ONLY found Here!!!! The Proof only requires you to click the + sign:

Independent Replication is Scientific Proof:

Proof, and the Dumb Dumb Club cant see the Forest for the Trees! When too many Idiots flood the Forums, they make a mockery of the Truth! Right here, it's been here for nearly a Decade, you can SEE The Truth:

Start Here → Builders Guide to Aboveunity Machines

There are two mistakes along the way to Mastery: Not Starting and and not going all the way!

Cite: Master Shi Heng Yi

On rare occasions, Sweet saw this effect, called self-oscillation, occur in electric transformers


The Answers you seek are right here:


I have provided 11 videos on this showing you how to approach this Technology! I have given you all of the data to make this work, and more, to make this, not just a TOY, to make this Power very much more than just a few Globes!

My Friends, when I see 10 successful replications, I will release another Video showing a bit more work, again we have had quite a few successful replications already! Do the Math in these videos! COP > 1.6 in both Machines!

Tinman was the first:


Others followed, like Captainloz:


Others also, some may not want their names used? Security for people is important to me, but eventually, we must do this as a Team and make a Stand!


We have Self-Running Machines, Our Flashlight that a Member of has achieved: is Light Years Ahead of the other Forums!

Lighting up the Darkness!!!




Banned and disgraced ex-member, fighter, aka Aurelian Iordache, Professional Plagiarist, see Here and Here and Here, has started all sorts of lies against me, he got caught Here, scraping my forum, when he was told not to, and Here, he got caught doing it again!

Ref: Linkedin Profile

fighter, aka Aurelian Iordache, is the reason the pdf site backups were stopped!

He was capturing passwords from Members from here, that signed up accounts over on his website, and then he was using their logins, to login here and check our progress in Tier II and so on, he got caught doing that also!

He is Desperate, he is flat out creating Fake Accounts, trying Desperately to access My Website!

As you know, Member's Detail's is a Member Only Section, only Members can access this:


Ask yourself:

  • Why would he go to so much trouble, creating Fake Accounts accessing My Site's Information?
  • What else is he desperate to access?
  • Why is he so Desperate?
  • To what extremes do Desperate people go to?
  • Is he bragging to you how much of a Serial Pest he can be?
  • Is he Bragging to you how Low IQ he is? Honestly, this is a very incriminating statement! I tell you all, he is not welcome here, did I already know he had a Fake account?


How embarrassing, when a Muddy Puddle has a Higher Intelligence than this "Human" Being!



We see a very small portion of Members here, going and joining him, so we must assume:

  1. Either they are Trolls also and they group together.
  2. They have been blinded by his lies and propaganda, entirely blinded to the evidence!


Either way, we don't want these sorts of people here with us! I really could not care if a few Dumb People miss out on the Truth because of their Ignorance! That's their Fault!

I am in full control, I ban those very very Dumb People that I see causing trouble, or behaving in any way against our Goal, to wake people up to the Truth!

Do you see how hard these people are working to Shut Me Down? These very stupid, very low IQ people, keep Failing like the Incompetent Fools they are!

Aurelian Iordache is a very very Desperate Liddle Douch Bag! He has ZILCH! Nothing none of it is his, he Plagiarized it all from everyone else around him! I have shown you the Proof! That's why he understands None of This! He has Zero Understanding, because none of it is his!

The SHAME this person would have, if there was a rational normal mind and consciousness present!

Wear your badge with Honor, the Whole world can see very clearly what you have done!!!


You got Caught,

you got Banned,

and now you are Disgraced and Banned Trolls!

Do you see a Pattern Here? You really Should!!!



When you Read this: If you wish to believe Aurelian Iordache's Lies, then I am fine with your decision, I have Banned you also! I am not playing Games! You of all people should know what BS Aurelian Iordache has been up to! So I wish you well, good luck in your endeavors! Good Luck! You're gonna need it that's for sure!


The Truth

I am Good and Do Good! No one can say otherwise! Only Serial Liars, Hoaxers, Shills, Bought and Paid for Idiots and Plagiarists can lie to you about me! Let them do what they are best at, but the Facts Speak for themselves! Ask yourself:

What have I done:

  • Have I ever Lied?
  • Have I ever stolen?
  • Have I ever done anything to anyone that they did not deserve?
  • Have I only ever kept the Community Safe from Trolls?
  • Have I provided a Free Platform for everyone to use?
  • Have I ever charged anything for what I have done, other than Donations?
  • Have I ever misled you?
  • Have I ever posted information that is not correct? I have always corrected information if I have ever got something not quite right or was in some way confusing!
  • Have I spend many thousands of Hours Free, helping and Supporting you all?


All I have done is given all of the World Answers to all of the Worlds Energy Problems with Experimental Proof and many Independent Replications showing you the Truth!

No normal person can criticize me for doing anything at all, that others did not deserve! 

The only thing others can be upset about, is getting themselves Banned after they were Caught doing something bad, against me and or the Community! I have always provided proof, every time, to show you, the reasons I do things! What's more, I have always been happy to sit down and chat about any decisions I have made, with the person, and get their side of the story, for example, TruthFan was reinstated after I got his side of the story. 


Like me or Hate me

Truly, I don't care if you Hate me! Truly, no one can say anything about me at all, to show I am a bad person, because the truth is, I have never ever done anything that makes me a bad person, I am a good person, and I have only ever done good things!

People can lie all they like, and they do! But it really is up to you to research and find the truth, and make your own decisions! Blind Faith is just not enough anymore! You need to make educated decisions for your self to make up your own Path Forward!


Stupid Ignorant People

Stupid Ignorant People will be left behind! There is no room for Stupid Ignorant People in these times!

Facts are Facts and No One can change Facts, sooner or later the Truth always comes out! Truth is, We, has already changed the World! We have already released the Secrets that those before us may have known, but did not, generally, share! I have given you all the answers you need to build your own Energy Machines! Yes I am still learning, but the basic Layouts I have given you!

There just is not any time left for Stupid Ignorant People's Games and Hoaxes! These people will die in times like this, their time is up, Armageddon will Take them! The End of this Age will Claim Them! There is nothing we can do to save them!


Your Responsibility

In life, you are Responsible for certain things, like Breathing, Drinking, Eating, going to the bathroom on time and much much more! I believe you all are responsible for your own Energy Machine Construction and Maintenance! This means you must learn how these machines work, how they are constructed and what makes the work!

You really need to see through the propaganda and take advantage of what we are offering you, FREE, and take the ConTroll away from them, and give yourself the Power and control of your own life and future! Do it for your Children's sake!


Genuine People

I will always look after Genuine People, I will always help Genuine People, freely! I value Genuine People very Highly! It is hard to determine those that are Genuine, because Bad Actors act Genuine very well! They are very good actors when it comes to acting Genuine! Its only when you give these people enough Rope and enough Time, they show their true colours! Sooner or later we see who they really are!



I have built my other Website around Acknowledging those before me! Here in the Reference Section, I have tried to cover all the Greats before me, for the History Record.

You need to be strong, take advantage of this community, observe only the facts, because the facts led you to the truth, and the Truth will set You Free!


I have given you the Truth!

Best Wishes,


Order By: Standard | Newest | Votes
Chris posted this 24 November 2023

My Friends,

As they start back peddling, after my super exposure of the Super Trolls, they now ask for truce and a collaboration, you have to be kidding!

Its all falling to pieces for them! Everyone can see, now, very clearly, their agenda, what they have done and what they have been a party to!

What a Joke!


@Jagau and all of the Members there, that I banned, none of you are Welcome here! Ever! I will consider One Exception, and I am not saying who it will be, but I want nothing to do with any of you! Not one of you will ever be aloud back here, and the entire Internet can see how you have behaved!

@Wistiti, I am a bit cranky with how you handled yourself in those last posts!



Truth is, after all the time they spent here, they learnt Zilch, because learning was not on their list of things to do! They were here to Troll! And they ALL Got Caught!


Energy Machines

I am Light Years Ahead, and always will be! They have nothing! They have no idea whatsoever how these machines work! They have nothing at all! Not even close to the Truth!

I am Truth, I have given you the Truth! Many people come here and they Succeed! Most of the time, before they even realise it!



I am a firm believer in Karma, I believe Karma will come, Good and Bad, sooner or later! They just might be starting to get some Bad Karma back on them, because I have told the Truth, and others can see the Truth, they realise, they see what they have done!


The Future

I will be working, sharing more as Time goes on, and more Data will come!

Please don't forget, I am also learning, I have always been on a learning curve also, so as Time goes on, I gain more knowledge, and I try to share as I can.

The Prophecy states a New Energy will come, we have it already:


a massive influx of new ideas of creativity a new energy is coming and it's coming soon says the Lord and new energy is coming and it's coming soon are you listening to me says the spirit of God




the right thing will come along we will get a really powerful form of energy I feel it's coming quite soon I feel we're quite close


I have already shared with you, the Answer! It is the People, when they are able to Accept Simple Answers to Complex Problems! This is when Energy will come! The Future is here now! It is up to you to take the Future and open doors as you get to them!

Best Wishes,


  • Liked by
  • Augenblick
  • Elvis
Chris posted this 25 November 2023

My Friends,

I have already Won the Race! Its Won and no one can do anything to change that!

Let them Cry, let them bitch like babies! Let them Stomp their feet like spoiled Children!

FACT: I have Won the Race, and I have been teaching people how to build these machines for nearly a Decade!

For the dumb people, click the + Sign:

Independent Replication is Scientific Proof:

Proof, and the Dumb Dumb Club cant see the Forest for the Trees! When too many Idiots flood the Forums, they make a mockery of the Truth! Right here, it's been here for nearly a Decade, you can SEE The Truth:

Start Here → Builders Guide to Aboveunity Machines

There are two mistakes along the way to Mastery: Not Starting and and not going all the way!

Cite: Master Shi Heng Yi

On rare occasions, Sweet saw this effect, called self-oscillation, occur in electric transformers


The Answers you seek are right here:


I have provided 11 videos on this showing you how to approach this Technology! I have given you all of the data to make this work, and more, to make this, not just a TOY, to make this Power very much more than just a few Globes!

My Friends, when I see 10 successful replications, I will release another Video showing a bit more work, again we have had quite a few successful replications already! Do the Math in these videos! COP > 1.6 in both Machines!

Tinman was the first:


Others followed, like Captainloz:


Others also, some may not want their names used? Security for people is important to me, but eventually, we must do this as a Team and make a Stand!


We have Self-Running Machines, Our Flashlight that a Member of has achieved: is Light Years Ahead of the other Forums!

Lighting up the Darkness!!!



Only those with a Very Low Native Intelligence will be Blind to the Facts! We will see some still searching diligently, some will be blind entirely to the Facts! Poor liddle simpletons!

Hey solarlab, the same solarlab I banned, did you get that buddy? Were you able to click the + sign ok? Did you get all of that? Sorry, what's that, its too hard for you? You cant Grasp that very simple simple stuff? Oh yeah, even your Gran has done it! Perhaps your Obsessive Compulsive Holcomb Disorder has bought on your disability? Seems you really have been left behind this time!

Hahahaha a decade and it took this post for him to realise! 

Best Wishes,


  • Liked by
  • Elvis
  • Augenblick
Elvis posted this 25 November 2023

If you are smart, you will follow Chris's instructions. It works!


  • Liked by
  • Chris
  • Augenblick
Chris posted this 28 November 2023

My Friends,

Thank You Elvis!

To teach others how to build Energy Machines, and have so many Succeed, some sharing publicly, their successes, many keeping it to themselves but making statements like you have, is a very important thing for all of the Community to see!

Over a Decade of Successes, and most did not even pick up the slight of hand, to simple to actually realise what's going on!

Akula shared many videos on his Machines, self running and so on, but he never gave enough information for others to be able to replicate the machines successfully.

We have broken the Mold! We have changed the World! Yes we good people, when we ban together, get rid of total brain dead idiots, and focus on a common goal, we Succeed! Its inevitable, because Good always Wins in the end!

It is amazing, how many complete Dumb Idiots fill the community!

I estimate, 70% to be good, genuine, solid people, the rest are Dumb Friggin Idiots that are completely Bad, Brain Dead, Evil Scum!

There are some really Friggin Dumb Bastards out there! That's for damn sure!

At the same time, some very smart people, people that are starting to wake up to the Truth:


Adam did a really good job Here! Many others are also starting to get on board, catching up to us!

In the face of Evidence, denying what's right there in front of ones eyes, its about as Brain Dead as anyone could ever be!

A glorious Future awaits us, and History is going to weed out the idiots, and demonise these people for their actions, I will make sure History knows who it was that Trolled, Shilled, who sold their soul for a little bit of extra cash, or to avoid Jail Time! Judgement comes, and the Almighty Creator is going to Smite you Bitched to Hell for Ever, Burn in the stench of Hell forever!


As the new Age approaches, most of the Community know who you are, perhaps not many know your names, I know most of you, I have done my research and have almost everyone's Names, addresses and more! More people are starting to realise, the extremely simple, cheap, solution to the Induced Energy Crisis! Again, there is no Energy Crisis, there is an Ignorance Crisis and so many are a party to this Ignorance!

Best Wishes,


  • Liked by
  • FringeIdeas
  • Augenblick
Chris posted this 29 November 2023

My Friends,

I want to be clear! When I say "I am the Winner of the Energy Machine Race", I don't mean ME, I mean Us, if you're with Me, I will share and help you all the way!

I Promise! As long as I am alive, I will always do the best I can to help all of you succeed, to make your own Energy Machines Work and Run! I have a very good track Record! No one on the Planet can dispute that! I have been here helping for some: '2023 - 2015 = 8' Years now!

Eight Years I have been here helping and Supporting this Technology I am Sharing, trying to help other Members Succeed and many have already:

Independent Replication is Scientific Proof:

Proof, and the Dumb Dumb Club cant see the Forest for the Trees! When too many Idiots flood the Forums, they make a mockery of the Truth! Right here, it's been here for nearly a Decade, you can SEE The Truth:

Start Here → Builders Guide to Aboveunity Machines

There are two mistakes along the way to Mastery: Not Starting and and not going all the way!

Cite: Master Shi Heng Yi

On rare occasions, Sweet saw this effect, called self-oscillation, occur in electric transformers


The Answers you seek are right here:


I have provided 11 videos on this showing you how to approach this Technology! I have given you all of the data to make this work, and more, to make this, not just a TOY, to make this Power very much more than just a few Globes!

My Friends, when I see 10 successful replications, I will release another Video showing a bit more work, again we have had quite a few successful replications already! Do the Math in these videos! COP > 1.6 in both Machines!

Tinman was the first:


Others followed, like Captainloz:


Others also, some may not want their names used? Security for people is important to me, but eventually, we must do this as a Team and make a Stand!


We have Self-Running Machines, Our Flashlight that a Member of has achieved: is Light Years Ahead of the other Forums!

Lighting up the Darkness!!!




The Trolls hate me, for what I am doing, but I know what I have to do, and I was Tasked with a Job that can not be stopped, its Ordained and not a single entity can stop it:

a massive influx of new ideas of creativity a new energy is coming and it's coming soon says the Lord and new energy is coming and it's coming soon are you listening to me says the spirit of God


the right thing will come along we will get a really powerful form of energy I feel it's coming quite soon I feel we're quite close


I have already given you the Technology! Its already in your Minds, it just needs to be accepted!

The Dumbest People will be the last to accept it, and some wont accept it at all, because they have been told not to. You know, the Shills that do as they are told, Blindly!

There is nothing the Losers' can do to stop us!

Please Note: I apologise, if I feel I am being Trolled, I do get defensive, and I try to figure if you're Genuine, because we do get many Trolls! Show me you're Genuine and I will show you I am Genuine! Mutual Respect and arrangement! Free, I want no money for this! I don't want Fame! That's why II have never shown my Face! I want no fame! I don't want anything, except to see others Succeed!

Best Wishes,


  • Liked by
  • Augenblick
Chris posted this 06 December 2023

My Friends,

The Answer I have given you: Asymmetrical Electromagnetic Induction


Like it or not, this is the answer to the worlds Energy Problems! The problem is most are too damn dumb to realise it!

Best Wishes,


  • Liked by
  • Augenblick
We're Light Years Ahead!
Members Online:

No one online at the moment

What is a Scalar:

In physics, scalars are physical quantities that are unaffected by changes to a vector space basis. Scalars are often accompanied by units of measurement, as in "10 cm". Examples of scalar quantities are mass, distance, charge, volume, time, speed, and the magnitude of physical vectors in general.

You need to forget the Non-Sense that some spout with out knowing the actual Definition of the word Scalar! Some people talk absolute Bull Sh*t!

The pressure P in the formula P = pgh, pgh is a scalar that tells you the amount of this squashing force per unit area in a fluid.

A Scalar, having both direction and magnitude, can be anything! The Magnetic Field, a Charge moving, yet some Numb Nuts think it means Magic Science!

Message from God:

Hello my children. This is Yahweh, the one true Lord. You have found creation's secret. Now share it peacefully with the world.

Ref: Message from God written inside the Human Genome

God be in my head, and in my thinking.

God be in my eyes, and in my looking.

God be in my mouth, and in my speaking.

Oh, God be in my heart, and in my understanding.

Your Support:

More than anything else, your contributions to this forum are most important! We are trying to actively get all visitors involved, but we do only have a few main contributors, which are very much appreciated! If you would like to see more pages with more detailed experiments and answers, perhaps a contribution of another type maybe possible:

PayPal De-Platformed me!

They REFUSE to tell me why!

We now use Wise!

Use E-Mail: Chris at

The content I am sharing is not only unique, but is changing the world as we know it! Please Support Us!

Thank You So Much!

Weeks High Earners:
The great Nikola Tesla:

Ere many generations pass, our machinery will be driven by a power obtainable at any point of the universe. This idea is not novel. Men have been led to it long ago by instinct or reason. It has been expressed in many ways, and in many places, in the history of old and new. We find it in the delightful myth of Antheus, who drives power from the earth; we find it among the subtle speculations of one of your splendid mathematicians, and in many hints and statements of thinkers of the present time. Throughout space there is energy. Is this energy static or kinetic? If static, our hopes are in vain; if kinetic - and this we know it is for certain - then it is a mere question of time when men will succeed in attaching their machinery to the very wheelwork of nature.

Experiments With Alternate Currents Of High Potential And High Frequency (February 1892).
