Why are the other Forums SO Far Away from the TRUTH!

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  • Last Post 01 October 2022
Chris posted this 19 August 2022

My Friends,

I want to ask a serious question:

Why are the other Forums SO Far Away from the TRUTH!


Honestly, the guru's know all about Charge, what Charge is structured of and how it reacts, and what makes it react!

Basic facts are known about Charge, Power is defined, as is Current and Voltage! So WHY are the other Forums SO FAR off the mark?

Why are there so many people out there that have no idea what so ever how to power a Load? WHY!

Here at Aboveunity.com, we have had a run of Success since 2015, that I believe shocked the disbelievers like never before:



Then we had Captainloz:


Unfortunately Videos and Data was deleted due to Harassment of others.

So WHY are other forums SO FAR AWAY FROM THE ACTUAL REALITY of Free Energy! Why do they play down or try to debunk REAL Free Energy Machines! WHY! If you allow Losers to control your Destiny, your Destiny is no longer Yours to Control! Stand Up and be strong, Control your OWN DESTINY!

Best Wishes,


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baerndorfer posted this 20 August 2022

The answer is simple!

Truth is not for everyone 😎

Chris posted this 28 August 2022

My Friends,

Floyd Sweet gave us the following Equation:

Ref: Floyd Sparky Sweet Nothing is Something


If you understand what's being said here, this equation is all you need to build Free Energy Machines! Its the only equation you need to be able to grasp the concepts! In conjunction with this equation, Floyd Sweet gave us a very basic analogy to fit with this equation:

If the directions of the two signals are such that opposite H-fields cancel and E-fields add, an apparently steady E-field will be created. The energy density of the fields remain as calculated above, but the value of the E-field will double from E/2 to E.


One of my first YT Videos, Floyd Sweet Forgotten Genius:


Walt Rosenthal told us how this worked, he was 100% truthful!


And how it was started and stopped:


Which we have video evidence of:


My Friends, if you want Energy E, then all you need achieve is 2 B x V and you have the basic workings of how this works! I have shown you how to do this:


Don't be left behind, learn how this works, its actually very easy! Power need not Cost you a Cent! Because the Magnetic Field is an Inverse Square Law Effect and can be utilised and I have shown you how!

Everywhere else seems to forget the very basic Definitions of Voltage and Current and how each is invoked, and how the Sum Powers the Load!!!

The other Forums could not Engineer their way out of a Paper Bag!

Best Wishes,


baerndorfer posted this 29 September 2022

Maybe this guy has an explanation why someone succeeds and others do not.

Melendor posted this 29 September 2022

Hello @Chris and Team.

After Decades of observing and living , I think , most people do not want to find out,  that is why they do not build something constructive.
20 Years ago there was a program called MIRC and boy my children were all over the place.
There was nothing constructive in all that CHAT , but they did it because it was fun wasting time.

I have been  / watched other forums for 15-20 years , and boy they love to talk.

They wake up , make the coffee, and than go to the PC to see what PM the user X said , and what Reply did user Y gave.
It is like a friendly Flintstones family , where is 0 experimentation whatsoever.
Much talk and 0 work.

@Chris I apologize for my inactivity in the last Months , but life and stress got the better of me.
That is over and now I am cleaning my bench,as you suggested.I will start posting my experiment in 3-4 days.
@baerndorfer . Thank you in advance man.

Stay safe everybody.

~~~ Melendor the Wizard.

Chris posted this 29 September 2022

That's Classic B Thank You!

Best Wishes,


P.S: @Melendor, I only saw your post now, sorry, you must have been posting while I was, we missed each other if you like. I agree, and yes I remember IRC, it was the Ducks Nuts! Predated Skype and all them! It was a very good Messaging system and sometimes quite constructive!

I am a very strong believer in Constructive! If its not Constructive, its a waste of time!

Please don't apologise, its ok I totally understand, Life First and Research second, My Wife wants to divorce me because I spend too much time doing this, little private joke there, we have been married for quite some time and I was patient while she did her Worldly Achievements. She is mostly very patient with me. 

@All - My Friends, the absolute BEST Future is coming very soon! But times will be tough for a very long time to come! So we need to prepare for the worst, but hope for the best! Energy will keep your Family alive, as bad things occur, both Human Made and Natural Events, Life I believe will be very tough for those not Prepared! I ask you all, with all my heart, please prepare! Please spend One Hour a Day learning this, PM me, I will help and point you in the right direction! I will do the best I can to help in your own threads! I have spent decades helping already! I have shared everything, except for the Final Proof, however, Independent Replication has given you all the Evidence you need! I will be sharing much more, Very Soon!

Members here will also help you!

We are Truly Light Years Ahead of the Other Forums!

Chris posted this 24 August 2022

Hey Baerndorfer,

Truth is not for everyone 😎


That's for sure! Some work very hard against us! Hiding the Truth!

Best Wishes,


Chris posted this 27 September 2022

My Friends,

I see many debates, on other forums, that are just utterly ridiculous!

So many people wasting Time on Total Non-sense! Some very very Dumb People debating Rubbish! Arguing over the silliest things! None of them are making any progress at all!

There is a very long and a very detailed history of Free Energy Machines! Self Running, Yes Many! And Yes we have them!

Do you remember Akula:


Could anyone Replicate this machine? Very few were even able to get the desired waveform!

I did, and some here have also:

Ref: Chris's replication of Andrey Melnichenko's GLED


Which is almost exactly the same as Akula's Waveform:


With one small exception, which I have resolved now.


Why are the other Forums SO Far Away from the TRUTH!


Because they are all arguing over Non-Sense! We have stopped that behaviour here and we just make progress! We have so many Replications out there! Its just not funny!

Just yesterday I was shown some work from a member here which is a VERY Impressive Result! Why does this member not go public? Because of the trouble Silly People, like the other are filled with, its better off to stay silent and only comment from time to time on these things!

Time is short! People REALLY need to learn and experiment with the information contained ONLY HERE on this forum! www.aboveunity.com!

We are Light Years Ahead of the other Forums!

Best Wishes,


Shadow_ posted this 24 August 2022

the saddest part is that they are not on board: Tinman/Capitan

be strong till the end



β€œAll we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.β€œ

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  • Mimo
Chris posted this 24 August 2022

Hello Gandalf,

I see your post as a dig, and factually incorrect!

Tinman and I have communicated via email from time to time and Captainloz and I communicate often also.

Both Tinman and Captainloz no longer publicly participate due to Harassment from Badly Educated Morons that cant build SIMPLE Circuits! Mostly from Other Forums! Oh the story, its a very interesting documentary! Trolls use this Tactic: Harassment

Tinman and Captainloz have given more to the community than MOST, you have the Evidence, it works, yet morons still choose to be sceptical, while hundreds more like Jagau, Aetherholic and hundreds more are having huge success! I got a message just the other day thanking me! I get them all the time!

I have been watching your posting and activity here and on another forum and see you are very good at being in the right place at the right time to voice your opinion but NEVER to Help or JOIN IN!

I think its time we remove you from the member list and give you some time to think about your agenda and why you are really here: Moderated until further notice!

Please PM me when you decide you wish to join in and participate. I will remove the Moderation!

Best Wishes,


  • Liked by
  • Augenblick
  • Shadow_
Chris posted this 25 August 2022

My Friends,

An article I read today:

20 Million US Homes Are Behind On Power Bills

"Tsunami Of Shutoffs": 20 Million US Homes Are Behind On Power Bills


at least 20 million households or about 1 in 6 American homes are behind on their power bills as soaring electricity prices spark what is said to be the worst-ever crisis in late utility payments, according to Bloomberg, citing data from the National Energy Assistance Directors Association (Neada).

Neada said electricity prices had increased significantly since 2020 after a decade of stagnation. The steep rise has resulted in billions of dollars in overdue power bills.


Source: Bloomberg

Electricity inflation is being propelled by soaring costs of fossil fuels, such as natural gas, coal, and petroleum.


Source: Bloomberg

NatGas fuels about 40% of the US power grid and soared to the highest levels since 2008 on Tuesday.


The chart below shows for the two decades, real electricity prices were relatively flat, except for the commodity boom times around the 2008 GFC. Now CPI less energy has peaked, though electricity continues to rise to a blistering 30% year on year.


Source: Bloomberg

Utility shutoffs have become more common across the US as some lower-tier households are thousands of dollars behind on their power bills.

Jean Su, a senior attorney at the Center for Biological Diversity, which tracks utility disconnections across the US, warned of a "tsunami of shutoff" as the highest inflation in forty years eats away wages and has financially devastated the working poor.

Adrienne Nice is one of those struggling Americans who is more than $3,000 behind on utility bills. Last month, she received a "final notice" from power company Xcel Energy Inc., who turned off the electricity to her studio apartment in Minneapolis as temperatures approached near triple digits.

Nice found it near impossible to save money for utility expenses that have doubled over the past year as food, shelter, and gas prices have also skyrocketed. Her low-paying job as a housecleaner has left her in energy poverty.

"I just don't understand how electricity can be so high," she said.

Across the country, power companies reported a surge in non-payment customers. California's PG&E Corp said there had been a 40% jump in the number of residential customers behind on payments since February 2020. New Jersey's Public Service Enterprise Group said customers at least 90 days late have risen 30% since March.

"People on the bottom, they can't pay" their electricity bills, said Mark Wolfe, Neada's executive director.

Readers know that low-tier consumers are financially tapped out. They've maxed out credit cards, depleted savings, and have seen wage gains wiped out due to inflation. It comes as no surprise the US is becoming more like Europe, where energy poverty has doomed millions of households.

It's only a matter of time before the Biden administration starts handing out stimmy checks for electricity bills.

Ref: https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/17435067.html#17436542



Here at www.aboveunity.com, we have solutions! Solutions they dont want you to have, See Here ( BlackRock, UBS Among Firms Named Energy-Industry Boycotters ) they are Boycotting the Energy Industry and especially Renewable Energy! Companies like:

  • BlackRock Inc.
  • UBS Group AG
  • BNP Paribas SA
  • Credit Suisse Group AG
  • Danske Bank A/S
  • Jupiter Fund Management Plc
  • Nordea Bank ABP
  • Schroders Plc
  • Svenska Handelsbanken and Swedbank AB
  • In addition, the comptroller’s office also designated nearly 350 funds that are subject to the same investment rules.


The environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) movement has produced an opaque and perverse system in which some financial companies no longer make decisions in the best interest of their shareholders or their clients, but instead use their financial clout to push a social and political agenda shrouded in secrecy


So you see where the Trolls get paid! Why they actively try to stop us!

States including Oklahoma, West Virginia and Kentucky have passed legislation this year targeting companies that engage in “boycotts” of the oil and gas industry. In July, West Virginia said it wouldn’t award state banking contracts to five firms: JPMorgan, Wells Fargo, Goldman Sachs, BlackRock and Morgan Stanley. 


So, as Clemente Figuera said:


It is the case, you must decide to help yourself, they will NOT Help you!


Do you see what they are doing?

They are bringing down the Entire System, making sure you had only Fossil Fuels for Decades and now taking away the Funding, thus driving up the prices of Energy!

Ref: Electricity Is One Part of US Inflation


Ref: Energy costs remain top driver of Inflation


A Total Monopoly on the Energy Industry, they control entirely, the Price, and the Distribution, including Rolling Blackouts as a Warning or Punishment of Non-Conforming of Imposed Mandates!

Other Forums are Disinformationalists, actively misleading you! Paid by these same people!

We will NOT Conform to Tyrants!

Best Wishes,


  • Liked by
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  • Jagau
Chris posted this 25 August 2022

My Friends,

Wow there are some Jealous Losers in the community! Jealous of the Empire we have created, the massive numbers of visitors we get, the status we have created in the community, and jealous of you! Those people working and achieving Preternatural Status every day!

There are some real Cry Babies:


I cant help but laugh at them:


They really and truly carry on like Pork Chops! Real idiots that the Community could do without! However, its good we do have these people, because we see how totally useless they have become and how they always achieve Nothing At All Ever! They have nothing and will always have Nothing! Because they never do any constructive work! 

These people will never achieve the Preternatural Status that many hundreds of others have!

These people will always be the Apes of Society:


The Drongos! The Morons! The Idiots! Societies Dropouts!

Don't you think we can do better than this? Don't you think we owe it to the next Generations to be better than this? Don't you think we owe it to ourselves to be more responsible and Grow Up a little bit, be better than we were yesterday! To be in a state of Perpetual Betterment!


I think it is a responsible stance to think this way and Be Part of Something Better! Who wants to watch idiots carry on like Pork Chops! Not me! Not you? Not anyone with a normal Brain in their Head!

Best Wishes,


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  • Aetherholic
Chris posted this 21 September 2022

My Friends,

I wonder why Other Forums are so far from the Truth:

It would have been surprising if HES had said it wasn't working.  <img src=">
Apart from the DNV report provided by HES, who else but HES has verified that it works?

Ref: F6FLT - Holcomb and other FE technology debate


We are doing what they cant possibly comprehend! That's why we are Light Years Ahead of the Other Forums!!!

Best Wishes,


  • Liked by
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  • Augenblick
Chris posted this 01 October 2022

My Friends,

How stupid would the Trolls look if they said Electromagnetic Induction did not work:


Do you see how stupid they would look? Morons will never stop being Morons! Its a force of nature that some will insist being Morons!

More coming very soon My Friends!

Best Wishes,


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  • raivope
We're Light Years Ahead!
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What is a Scalar:

In physics, scalars are physical quantities that are unaffected by changes to a vector space basis. Scalars are often accompanied by units of measurement, as in "10 cm". Examples of scalar quantities are mass, distance, charge, volume, time, speed, and the magnitude of physical vectors in general.

You need to forget the Non-Sense that some spout with out knowing the actual Definition of the word Scalar! Some people talk absolute Bull Sh*t!

The pressure P in the formula P = pgh, pgh is a scalar that tells you the amount of this squashing force per unit area in a fluid.

A Scalar, having both direction and magnitude, can be anything! The Magnetic Field, a Charge moving, yet some Numb Nuts think it means Magic Science!

Message from God:

Hello my children. This is Yahweh, the one true Lord. You have found creation's secret. Now share it peacefully with the world.

Ref: Message from God written inside the Human Genome

God be in my head, and in my thinking.

God be in my eyes, and in my looking.

God be in my mouth, and in my speaking.

Oh, God be in my heart, and in my understanding.

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More than anything else, your contributions to this forum are most important! We are trying to actively get all visitors involved, but we do only have a few main contributors, which are very much appreciated! If you would like to see more pages with more detailed experiments and answers, perhaps a contribution of another type maybe possible:

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The content I am sharing is not only unique, but is changing the world as we know it! Please Support Us!

Thank You So Much!

Weeks High Earners:
The great Nikola Tesla:

Ere many generations pass, our machinery will be driven by a power obtainable at any point of the universe. This idea is not novel. Men have been led to it long ago by instinct or reason. It has been expressed in many ways, and in many places, in the history of old and new. We find it in the delightful myth of Antheus, who drives power from the earth; we find it among the subtle speculations of one of your splendid mathematicians, and in many hints and statements of thinkers of the present time. Throughout space there is energy. Is this energy static or kinetic? If static, our hopes are in vain; if kinetic - and this we know it is for certain - then it is a mere question of time when men will succeed in attaching their machinery to the very wheelwork of nature.

Experiments With Alternate Currents Of High Potential And High Frequency (February 1892).
