Why They Fail

  • Last Post 15 January 2024
Chris posted this 19 September 2021

My Friends,

I have said it before: "It is statistically Impossible, to Continuously Fail!"

Yet, they DO!

Today I want to talk about why they Fail! They FAIL because they focus on Symmetry, brain washed into thinking that's the ONLY Way!

It is not, and its NOT how Nature Works!

Chiral asymmetry appears in nature at all levels, form elementary particles to morphology of mammals, and possibly even at the level of galaxies. ... The process of spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking and the high degree of sensitivity has to small chiral asymmetries are at the core of the observed asymmetry.



the asymmetry of life — the fact that most biochemical molecules are ‘left-handed’ or ‘right-handed’ — could have been caused by electrons from nuclear decay in the early days of evolution.


Key Words:

  • left-handed
  • right-handed


Conventional Electromagnetic Induction, entirely lacks Asymmetry! Coincidence? No!

I have used this image to display this type of Ignorance:


One has to be a little smarter than the average Brain Washed Electrical Engineer, or Ph.D, or BA, or what ever, accept Zero Indoctrination and Zero Postulates!

They say openly:

inculcate is to teach by repeated instruction


It just so happens that the very definition of Brain Washing is the same:

any method of controlled systematic indoctrination, especially one based on repetition or confusion.


They try to show experiments that Diss-Prove our work, yet they fail miserably, not even following half of the required Engineering necessary and already given!

They carefully craft Miss-Information to guide others away from the Truth!

History shows, we are the only ones to leave a Trail of Successes in the History Books, we have, most here attest to this! We have told you! Shown You! You have all you need, all you need do is:

There are only two mistakes one can make along the road to truth; not going all the way, and not starting - Gautama Buddha


They Fail, because they have an agenda to Fail and try to Brainwash you into believing there is nothing there, when the truth is, there is, its simple and cheap!

They do not want you to have what we are sharing!

They are not Pro-Life, they are Pro-Death, and proud of it, that is, as long as it is You, and not them! They are Monkeys of the Machine! Slaves to a Belief System that is inherently Failed and they have not yet realised it!

Our Society has been Hijacked for many decades and we must do what ever is necessary to correct it! Bring Humanity back on track and be Pro-Life again!

This forum, and those invited to our backup forum  will have all the information you need to Build Energy Machines that can go well Above the Unity Boundary!

All you need to do: Start, and go all the way!

Best Wishes,


Order By: Standard | Newest | Votes
Chris posted this 13 January 2023

My Friends,

Member Jagau has recused his Membership here:

The U.A. site came to a head when the moderator removed my access to the site, it seems that I caused a security problem there. I know about electronics but on the computer side I don't know much. I have absolutely nothing to reproach myself for, why would I come to share my own discoveries? well because I want to share them.

I do not want to be accused of security problems, in any case that's the reason I got from the moderator, really sad as an answer. All my friends who know me know that I am honest and reliable.

Sorry to bother you with this but research is my goal not quibbling I will continue here on this site and invite all my friends from the old AU site to come talk electronics with me and all of us here is the only way to go.



Jagau has been sharing on other sites, not just one, for quite sometime now.

Its a shame to say goodbye to Jagau, but this is how it is. I wish him good luck with his work and for the future!

Best Wishes,


  • Liked by
  • Augenblick
Chris posted this 15 January 2023

My Friends,

Why have the Other Forums made absolutely No Progress after How Many Years?

I see topics like this: "Claims without evidence", and "Concepts of "OU" devices" when they have NONE! Only we have!

Why are we, www.aboveunity.com, the ONLY Forum making progress:


Why are the other Forums so far from the Truth! WHY!

Why are you allowing yourself to be Misled by these people!

The Truth is right here! Right in front of your Face! It's cheap, simple and all you have to do is follow a few simple Rules laid our in my Video Series: Chris's Non-Inductive Coil Experiment, Cheap and Simple!

With a little work, a small investment, you can have Free Energy! Machines that put out a lot more energy than you put in, but for some reason, ignorance is obeyed!

Trust your Gut Instinct! Ignore the stupid they would have you believe! The evidence is right in front of your eyes!

Best Wishes,


Chris posted this 17 January 2023

My Friends,

Preaching to the mases in a thread: "Concepts and principles of OU devices", and he misses almost every single important aspect of Energy Machines:

Yes I have removed some posts and will continue to do that when I consider it unproductive or based on erroneous calculating and/or schemes (Don Smith). If you think to have a clear understanding of the effects and how they are implemented please describe it with your OWN WORDS, not repeating anyone else's opinions. Also I consider that a certain basis knowledge in physics and electronics is required to join the discussion of the theoretical topic.


WOW, now you see why I ban the ones that just talk and do no experiments to verify and validate the Real Workings of Energy Machines, how absolutely Absurd and Sickening! Zero Electromagnetic Induction Techniques discussed! The Fundamental base of ALL Energy Machines!

Too busy Chasing Fame to actually have any data of value!

Can you believe this?

Best Wishes,


Chris posted this 22 January 2023

My Friends,

I knew some Members were Plants, Sleepers, Spies, here to cause trouble, monitor and become Dogs of the Community! That's part of the reason I have never given any Valuable Measurements, and Data that would show definitive proof of My Machines being well Above Unity!

Oh the Fakery BANNED and Disgraced Ex-Members have been telling the community:

Here it is (I omitted some personal data):

" Dear ...,
Thank you for contacting Tektronix.
I just tested it on our old TBS1152, you can use the math channel to calculate CH1(V) x CH2(A) and use a math function to measure the mean value of the math channel. You will get the results in VA.
These are all standard functions.
Kind regards,
Timo Neuenstein
Technical Support Engineer EMEA - COE"

I asked this from the Tektronix Tech Support because Jagau has got the TBS1104 oscilloscope (see it in his post here: https://www.beyondunity.org/thread/jagau-s-successful-zpm-replication/?p=&order=all#comment-95fc8b64-5d6a-4928-9a0e-af660031c7de  but he does not use it to measure input power to his circuits.

And a few days ago he wrote the reason why and I found it rather odd so this is why I asked about it. 

This was his reason, I quote from his post (addressed to another member)  https://www.beyondunity.org/thread/alteredunity-s-zpm-replication-attempt/?p=&order=all#comment-4be6fcf0-be7e-4d76-a58c-af8c0159624a :

"For an oscilloscope like yours (Rigol DS1054z), the calculation is done in IRMS and Vrms, but if you do not have integrated software or purchased separately from your math menu, your oscilloscope cannot interpret the average power, you will not yet have the right answer, it will give you instant power.
An oscilloscope without this software calculates the instantaneous power not the average power, don't worry I have the same problem with mine, that's why you have to use the standard formulas.

There are several false statements in the quoted text:

- calculations are not done from the IRMS and VRMS values but from many small samples (taken instanteneously) of the two full waveforms as they are being displayed on CH1 and CH2.
- for the TBS1000 scope family there is no need to purchase any extra software to do the multiplication between the two channels, and then the averaging, it is a standard feature, this is just confirmed by the Tektronix engineer. I do assume that the Rigol DS 1054z digital scope can do the same when its Math menu is switched on and the CH1 x CH2 is chosen (I have not confirmed this for Rigol).
- so the result of the multiplication can be chosen and displayed in Mean value in the Math channel.

Side Note: the TBS1000 digital oscilloscope family (by now discontinued) include types TBS1022 TBS1042 TBS1062 TBS1102 TBS1104 TBS1152 (this list is not complete). The TBS1104 is a 100 MHz scope with 4 inputs, the TBS1151 is a 150 MHz scope with 2 inputs, Sample rates are 1 GS/s (giga Sample / second) for both and all members of the family have the same Math features i.e. they are all capable of computing the product of the instantaneous voltage and current values and displaying the mean of the result.

Ref: Fighters "Romanian ZPM (Zero Point Module) replication.


FYI: Watts = Volt Amperes × Power Factor

They are marking every video as "Successful" even though they do not show any Data, yet they mark Posts with "Successful" and true to fighters style, copping my work again, plagiarist, adding a beyondunity Tag - Beyond Stupidity!!!

They are outright wrong in most of the statements they are telling you! Fabrications of Data to get Clicks!


Too busy Chasing Fame to actually have any data of value!

Even BANNED and Disgraced Ex-Member CD_Sharp is telling you that Fighter got it entirely wrong:

The trace you are showing looks correct. I remind everyone that the 'scope trace obtained by Fighter is wrong as there is a short-circuit through the 'scope ground clip:


I pointed this out at the time! fighter got it wrong!


Other members of the Community are trying to warn you! The general consensus is, they are NOT working for the good of the Community!

They did not get what they wanted, here, and now they are creating havoc in the Community! Trouble Makers, that's why I BANNED Them! Here is the Proof:



This is Important - Please Read this!


My Friends,

I have secretly been monitoring the Backup Downloads! In exquisite Detail!

It appears we have a lot of Internet Retardary going on:


Format: [Order] {[ Ip Address, Number of Downloads in the last 20 days ]}


Now, lets do a Geo Ip Lookup in Order:



WOW Hang on a minute here, The 'Romainian' ZPM, and Romania is the worst Culprit!

300 Downloads of a 1.8Gb File in 20 days!!!

That's, 540Gb in 20 Days!

That's 27Gb per day!

If 1 Megabit/s = 0.125 Megabytes/sec

then that's Way to much and just rediculous Greed and Corrupt Idiocy! 

Who am I talking about?

Have we seen this EXACT SAME Behaviour before?

Banned and Disgraced Ex-Member's Fighter and CD_Sharp both live in Romania, and they have been caught doing this very same behaviour before: Aboveunity.com Site Scraping

This next excessive Backup Download, may be Internet Connectivity issues, but in case they are not, I want people be aware, I am monitoring very closely! I will Expose you if you do the Wrong Thing!



My Friends, these are the people that are ruining this Backup Service for you! These are the people making a very special, dedicated effort to ruin this whole thing for you!

Are you ok with this Non-Sense? Are you satisfied that this level of Idiocy is aloud to occur, to make your life harder than normal! Are you satisfied that they are still after all this time, working super hard to take My Site Down, after exposing their Lies and Tom-Foolery in the Thread: Aboveunity.com Site Scraping - It was Fighter and CD_Sharp that tried to take us down Last Time!


Are you going to allow them to keep doing this?


Here you see very clear evidence that we have people, more than one, making a very special effort to make your life harder and harder! Trying to take away the Information you so desperately need for the Future! Tough Times Ahead My Friends!

I hope you can see how much effort they are putting in, to make www.aboveunity.com go away!

Best Wishes,




However, Its up to you, if you want to learn the hard way?

Best Wishes,


  • Liked by
  • Augenblick
Chris posted this 22 January 2023


Everyone knows you're Faking Data, Hoaxing, Charlatans, Mr Click Bait!


We have Real, Solid, Oscilloscope Verified, with many Independent Replications, which is Scientific Proof! Proof you don't have!!! We have Proof that you're intentionally faking the numbers, shown in the last post!!!

Fighter the Master Plagiarist, keep coping everything I have done. It suits you, copying me! I cant imagine you could have any Ideas of your own!


Have you got ANY Ideas of your own? No! Evidence is showing you don't! 

Me: January 16, 2015


Fighter: November 24 2022


Plagiarist Definition:

Plagiarism is the fraudulent representation of another person's language, thoughts, ideas, or expressions as one's own original work.


The Fake Data, you and your buddies are Faking, in the community only means one thing, you Loose buddy! Everyone knows!

Best Wishes,



EDIT: Go on, get all upset because you've been called out, and lie through your teeth, keep up the Hoaxing and the Lies! Keep making up your Fake Stories! Your Facts are Riddled with Lies! Unlike you, I credit those before me! I have a website dedicated to them! But they are not smart enough to realise that! You don't! You keep claiming others work, as your own, Mr Plagiarist! πŸ’―%

Oh, yes, has anyone seen the MVCForum out of the box? No? Here you go:


Does fighters website look like this? Or has he copied almost entirely, My website, and ideas?


Mr Plagiarist! πŸ’―%



Chris posted this 24 January 2023

My Friends,

One can only laugh:

Chris believes 2 opposing coils cause a longer working region of the voltage caused by the effect similar to a magnet falling through a copper pipe, but never integrated the ouput voltage and put it next to the input to se if it is so, VdeltaT=delta flux, which norally is balanced. Inductively, 10V for 1ms is the same flux as 1V for 10ms working region.

Tesla used it to get high potential, so did Don and Stan.


Banned and Disgraced Ex-Members just have no idea what so ever!

Energy comes from the time domain into 3-space

Ref: The Tom Bearden Website


Some think Energy has nothing to do with Time! Energy Gains come from the Time Domain! But hey, if Banned and Disgraced Ex-Members want to try to mislead others with baloney then let them, that's why they were Banned! We Ban the baloney spouters!

If Time x is our Input Power, and we have 100 Watts, and Time y is our Output Power, and we have 100 Watts output to the Load, and we also have 80 Watts going back to our Input then how much Energy over Time x and Time y do we Integrate?

Hmmmm, wow this was really hard wasn't it... Who cant integrate? πŸ˜‰

I wonder why you were Banned:

I can tell a long time ago that Chris was going the wrong direction, but banned without any warning, nor reason really says something.


Oh the shock and horror, not!

We don't need hangeroners here that are not doing anything at all to make progress!

Best Wishes,


Chris posted this 25 January 2023

My Friends,

It is very easy to see those that will succeed, the ones that will succeed, Learn the Material, build, and apply what they have learnt!

Others, Trolls, never do the above! They are Lazy and have motives and opinions that are totally opposite to the data:

The Answers you seek are right here:


I have provided 11 videos on this showing you how to approach this Technology! I have given you all of the data to make this work, and more, to make this, not just a TOY, to make this Power very much more than just a few Globes!

My Friends, when I see 10 successful replications, I will release another Video showing a bit more work, again we have had quite a few successful replications already! Do the Math in these videos! COP > 1.6 in both Machines!

Tinman was the first:


Others followed, like Captainloz:


Others also, some may not want their names used? Security for people is important to me, but eventually, we must do this as a Team and make a Stand!


Trolls always think they know better and always have Zero Proof to backup their Lies! Trolls NEVER EVER have anything of Value to Share!!!

I wonder why?

Only Dummies ignore the Data!

Best Wishes,


  • Liked by
  • Augenblick
Chris posted this 25 January 2023

My Friends,

Mr Plagiarist! πŸ’―%

is at it again, making fake accounts and posting his normal guff that is so far from factual he does not even know which is up or down... Oh dear how sad never mind, Banned and Disgraced Ex-Members are just that!

Banned and Disgraced Ex-Members, that's all they ever will be!

I have a, well no longer Hidden, Private Forum https://elite.aboveunity.com/, I wonder why? Hmm now that's smart isn't it! Remove the Scumbag Parasites on the Public Forum and have a hidden Private Forum for the good guys!

Guess who is not invited? If you guessed the Lazy Scumbag Parasites you'd be right!

Best Wishes,


  • Liked by
  • Augenblick
  • ISLab
Chris posted this 26 January 2023


My Friends,

Mr Plagiarist! πŸ’―% Is Terrified!

See how terrified he is Here! Ahahahaha!!! Good Dog, be a good boy! Obey your master, you know the master you serve! The Master called Satan!

I appreciate the feedback and look forward to working with your team.


Oh how awful! Cringe, shiver! Get that feeling at about: 2 : 10


Satan works against the human Population, because he knows his time is short:


Guess who is STILL not invited? If you guessed the Lazy Scumbag Parasites you'd be right!

Best Wishes,


Chris posted this 28 January 2023

My Friends,

Mr Plagiarist! πŸ’―% Is Terrified!

He just keeps coming back, he cant stay away!


He forgot his VPN connection this time, maybe had a late night Plagiarising again!

You will see, at the bottom of My Forum I still have the License:


Can you see this on Mr Plagiarist 100%


Hmmm, I hope he paid for a License:

            <div class="row">
                <div class="col-md-12">
                    <div class="licenceblock">
                        <!-- ########################## IMPORTANT - PLEASE DO NOT REMOVE WITHOUT LICENSE ###########################

                        If you would like to remove the powered by notice, then please vist http://www.mvcforum.com/license -->

                        <p>&copy; @DateTime.UtcNow.Year - @Html.LanguageString("Layout.PoweredBy") <a rel="nofollow" href="http://www.mvcforum.com">MVCForum.com</a></p>

                        <!--########################## IMPORTANT - PLEASE DO NOT REMOVE WITHOUT LICENSE ########################### -->


Do you think he did?

EDIT: He did not pay for a License, he admits it!!! WOW What a Plagiarist!

There you have it, who is Honest and who is not, you now know!

He can have all the Trolls he likes! I don't want them here! That's for sure! Trolls that will never accomplish anything! Ever! A Forum filled with Nothingness! Emptiness! Nothing of Value! All his members are the Trolls I have Banned from Here, Coincidence? Hmm, maybe, but he will never achieve anything because nothing is his! He is a Full Time Plagiarist!

Best Wishes,


Chris posted this 31 January 2023

My Friends,

Its been so long, and no progress at all in the community, except for here: www.aboveunity.com

Why are so many other forums staying so far away from the truth? Why are other forums so far from the mark? Why are other forums so badly lacking ANY Progress? What so much wasted space? Wasted Digital space! Emptiness, and nothingness!

I have given you everything: Magnetic Resonance - Demonstration

Worth sharing here also, I shared Here and Here some of my early experiments to try to further understand Bucking Coils.

Its worth reposting a little of the information here:



I even gave you the Experiment, to verify:


I gave you the data that others wanted to share:


And the good Captain:


There has been many more, but most Researchers, out in the community, are totally Blind to Truth! Are they just Disinfo Shills, Plants in the Community with a Negative Agenda?

You have all the data and I gave it to you! Free!

I have said it before: "It is statistically Impossible, to Continuously Fail!"

Yet, they DO!


Best Wishes,


Chris posted this 31 January 2023

My Friends,

Those community members that choose to stay completely ignorant on basic Electromagnetic Induction principles are dangerous! I saw a comment today:

This does not explain from where the energy comes and how.


Now, I have a problem with this sort of thing, simply because, this very same person has threads like: 'Concepts and principles of OU devices', when the fact of the matter is, they are preaching to the community, with no proof, no idea, and no data to support anything of Value! Why do people do this sort of thing? Why do they try to become community hero's, with no relevant data to support the topic of interest?

Its a common thing and is getting out of control, almost a danger for the Human Population!

For the record: I am still learning, I am no community hero, and have never claimed to be! I make an immense effort to make data I have Relevant and Factual with Experiments to prove such Facts! I have stated this from the very early days, I am a student of Nature, she is teaching me her secrets! I have some, to share, and I have.


Aboveunity.com awesome starts here! - Thank You L0stf0x

Once understood, this is the solution to the worlds Energy Problems! Its cheap and its simple, and its being ignored by most community members, and many fellow researchers!

Best Wishes,


Chris posted this 03 February 2023

My Friends,

The truth of the matter is, Banned and Disgraced Ex-Member Fighter, Aurelian Iordache, is about as smart as a bag of Cow Turd!

So he gave up on the third coil and seems he's trying to use asymmetric coils.

Now he's building a ZPM, probably soon he will join the ZPM replication experiments here. πŸ˜„



Can you believe his Stupidity? It just goes to show how totally ignorant he is when it comes to Electrical Engineering, Energy Machines, and even Science full stop!


Me: January 16, 2015


Fighter: November 24 2022


Plagiarist Definition:

Plagiarism is the fraudulent representation of another person's language, thoughts, ideas, or expressions as one's own original work.


I might call David Attenborough to do a new series on Earths Least Smartest Creatures! "The Brainless Buffoon" I know where one lives! Some people excel at Clueless Idiot!


Fighter, Aurelian Iordache;

A Banned and Disgraced Ex-Member



EDIT: Mr PlagiaristπŸ’―% Boy's facts are total Lies and everyone knows it! What a total looser!

Best Wishes,


  • Liked by
  • Augenblick
  • Amin
Chris posted this 04 February 2023

My Friends,

The biggest Twit on the planet is still at it! Its very funny watching him squirm, like a Worm cut in half!

Maybe, the next day, if he re-reads his posts, just maybe he will realise how desperate he appears in front of the entire world! They know how screwed they are, and he is being put under massive pressure to try and stop me! He wont get paid if he cant! That's how this works! Bought and Paid for Shill!

Here, replace "Beautiful" with "Stupid":


The worlds biggest Village Idiot! Beyond Stupidity!

Best Wishes,


  • Liked by
  • Augenblick
  • Aetherholic
Chris posted this 11 February 2023

My Friends,

WOW, the Other Forums have ZERO Idea!


Why so many clueless Buffoons? Where do they all come from?

Best Wishes,


  • Liked by
  • Augenblick
Chris posted this 13 February 2023

My Friends,

The Brainless Buffoons pour from crevices, attempting to discredit those of us that have genuine aspirations and technology!

It is funny, over 100 Years ago, a Giant in the Energy Machine Field said:

From another source at the time i learned that Hendershot apparently got his idea as to his 
device an earth-induction compass such as was used in the Spirit of St Louis airplane 
flown by lindbergh. I have no idea if this is true or as to the construction of such a compass. 
(See Appendix E). 



Are there any Genuine Researchers left?

Best Wishes,


Chris posted this 15 February 2023

My Friends,

Oh My, all I see on other Forums, is Oodles and Oodles of Nothingness! Nothing Sensible! Nothing Logical!

What Brainless Twits they all turned out to be! Pages and Pages of Idiot! Nothing of Value! Nothing to Share!

ONLY Here, can you learn about Real Energy Machines!

Aboveunity.com awesome starts here! - Thank You L0stf0x


We are light years Ahead of the Other Forums!

Best Wishes,


Chris posted this 15 February 2023

My Friends,

WOW, I am stunned at how fast these guys are progressing: Spatial Energy Coherence circuit

Oh, its amazing! Just amazing! Such Geniuses - NOT!!! How embarrassing! This is the extent of their work! So terribly embarrassing!

Can you feel the Sarcasm?

ONLY Here, can you learn about Real Energy Machines!

Aboveunity.com awesome starts here! - Thank You L0stf0x


We are light years Ahead of the Other Forums!

Best Wishes,



  • Liked by
  • Augenblick
  • Plasmonic
Chris posted this 20 February 2023

My Friends,

Get the feeling that 60 to 80% of the muppets that post in the Energy Community are bots:


Hmm, I see it all the time! Fakery and Stupidity! Desperately Dumb!

Best Wishes,


  • Liked by
  • Augenblick
  • Plasmonic
Chris posted this 21 February 2023

My Friends,

Don't believe me, well here you go, from the Horses mouth:

Schwab gave a talk titled 'The State of the World' at the annual World Government Summit (WGS) in Dubai on February 13, which was held under the theme 'Shaping Future Governments.'

Featured Image


DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (LifeSiteNews) — World Economic Forum (WEF) founder Klaus Schwab said that whoever masters technologies like AI, the metaverse, and synthetic biology will “in some way be the master of the world.”

“Artificial Intelligence, but not only Artificial Intelligence, but also the metaverse, new space technologies, and I could go on and on… synthetic biology,” Schwab said. “Our life will in ten years from now will be completely different, very much affected, and who masters those technologies – in some way – will be the master of the world.”



Schwab gave a talk titled “The State of the World” at the annual World Government Summit (WGS) in Dubai on February 13, which was held under the theme “Shaping Future Governments.”

READ: YouTube flags World Government Summit video on New World Order as ‘conspiracy theory’

The WEF founder talked about the so-called Fourth Industrial Revolution, a phase that will supposedly transform the world through novel technologies, like AI, robots, self-driving cars, neuro-technological brain enhancement, and genetic editing.

Schwab stated that he thinks the world is at the beginning of this phase and that we will go through “deep systematic transformation processes.” He furthermore claimed that we will see exceptional growth of new technologies soon.

“There are some people who claim that we are now in a de-globalizing world, but actually, I would say, we have to re-globalize this world,” he stated. “We have to make sure that we strengthen cooperation because as it was mentioned we are faced with issues that are of existential importance for humankind. Our common future is at stake.”

Continuing, the globalist leader opined that “[we] are moving from a world more or less dominated by one super-power, into the patchwork of a multi-power world. With one superpower, a competing superpower, aspiring superpower like India, middle powers, but also rogue states, companies who have become global powers, technology companies – social media.”

Schwab named three areas where transformation will take place in the coming years: economic, energy, and political transformation.

Furthermore, Schwab stressed that “we have to make sure that the rule of law is not trampled with the feet” in a “fragmented world.”

“I see Dr. Ngozi [Okonjo-Iweala, director-general of the World Trade Organization] who  at least in the trade field  tries so hard to maintain a global rules-based order.”

In an interview after his speech, the WEF founder expressed his concerns over the “polarization of the public opinion” due to a quickly changing world.

“It has to do with some feeling that we lose control over our own fate,” he stated. “And here, I think, governments have an important role to explain and to have the ambition and the vision to show that those technologies can serve for the good and are not per se evil.”

The WEF is a founding partner of the WGS and the two organizations share many similarities in terms of their globalist ideological framework. During Schwab’s WEF meeting in January 2023, speakers promoted abortionLGBT ideologydigital vaccine recordswrong information about the Covid injections, and wearable mind-reading devices among other things.

At this year’s WEF meeting, U.S. Special Envoy for Climate John Kerry praised himself and the other attendees of the WEF for being a “select group of human beings” that “actually talk about saving the planet.”


Ref: Klaus Schwab says whoever controls AI, metaverse ‘will be the master of the world’


Hmm, well I reject your Dictatorship Schwab and Co! Sorry, you have no control over me and mine!

I "predict" that you will not have many years left because of your age and no one cares what you think and say!

What a bunch of A-Hole's!

Best Wishes,



baerndorfer posted this 27 February 2023

maybe i should add something to this topic.

my research brought me to Texas Instruments - a well known company. they have a tool called POWERSTAGE-DESIGNER and they offer this for free to people who are interested. what a nice company!

maybe you have success because my request was denied for no reason.

URL: https://www.ti.com/tool/POWERSTAGE-DESIGNER

this is what i got from TI...


because of that fact

Texas Instruments is CANCELED !!!

And this is WHY THEY FAIL !

Nurplex posted this 27 February 2023



And there you have it: https://github.com/SayCV/gh-cdn-cvp/releases/download/v1.0.0/ti-powerstagedesigner-v4.0-cvp.7z



Chris posted this 27 February 2023

Hey Guys,

It sucks that we have a world that is Deep Diving into Authoritarianism!

B, you said:

my request was denied for no reason.


I hate to say this, but being an active participant on any one of the Energy Forums that have been marked, puts you on their List, the List that I am also on, that got me de-platformed from PayPal and so on.

If you like, you could say, we are on the: "Do not feed" register.

The good thing about this, is, you know you're on the Right Track when this happens, you know you're a THREAT to their POWER STRUCTURE!

They will loose, its just a matter of time, we have to be patient and hold on. Their time comes quickly!

These Companies are Cutting off the hand that feeds them!

Our Time: "The meek shall inherit the Earth", is coming!

Nurplex, Thanks for Sharing!

Best Wishes,


baerndorfer posted this 28 February 2023

wow that was fast - thank you very much Nurplex !!!

yes chris it seems there is such a list.

thank you for bringing me there brother 😎

Chris posted this 14 March 2023

My Friends,

One can only laugh at how poorly the Other Forums are achieving! Success is in the Negative numbers boundary!

Does anyone know how to Separate Charge?

Does anyone know how to "Negate Lenz's Law Effects", which is actually a totally wrong way to think about the problem!

Lenz's law depends on the principle of conservation of energy and Newton's third law


and of course, Newton's third law:

Whenever one object exerts a force on a second object, the second object exerts an equal and opposite force on the first. His third law states that for every action (force) in nature there is an equal and opposite reaction.


Wow, how antiquated this thinking is! And WRONG! The "principle of conservation of energy" is entirely dependant on Symmetry!

Lenz's Law is currently only defined under Symmetrical Standards because there is not enough Intelligence in the Scientific Community to take the Technology Further!

I have told you for nearly a decade:

for every Action (force) in nature there is an equal and opposite Reaction, however, for every Reaction there is an equal and opposite Counter Reaction!




For those that do not comprehend, have not been following, but wish to comprehend and follow, to learn something and to achieve a common Goal:

Action: - (Primary Coil) - Your Input. A Magnetic Field, a result of Current Flow in your Primary Coil, that will likely have a Reactive Component. Considered as the Prime Mover.

Reaction: - (Secondary Coil) - Typically considered as a Negative result on the Action. Lenz's Law (the -), a negative result of the Secondary Coil on the Primary Coil.

Counter-Reaction: - (Secondary Coil) - Another Negative result, but this time assisting the Action, the primary, or the Action, but at the same time Countering the Reaction. Lenz's Law (the -).

The two Secondary's are what I call Partnered Output Coils!

These principals can be arranged in many configurations that may result in a working device, and the opposite is also true.

Ref: EMJunkie, Me, Chris - Partnered Output Coils - Free Energy - September 16, 2015


Hahahaha I do, I know the answers! Anyone here that has read my pages also knows the Answers! Why such Poor Progress?

Beyond Stupidity has fallen on their Sword it seems! They equated to Nothing in the end! And they are at the end! A whole bunch of Nothing Burgers! Just as I said at the start! They have nothing, they were Banned before they could gain a following, and Banned before they attained any real knowledge that is valuable enough to share!

Villages of Trolls do exist! This is why there is so little progress in the Community! Does ANYONE enjoy the Dumb?

WOW Some people are just Stupid! Idiots that cant think their way out of a Paper Bag! When Dumb Dumbs follow Dumb Dumbs all you get is lots and lots of Dumb Dumbs!


There is only one path forward and it is Right Here! That's why we are:

Light Years ahead of the other Forums!


Best Wishes,


Shadow_ posted this 16 March 2023

MoΕΌe byΔ‡ zdjΔ™ciem przedstawiajΔ…cym zwierzΔ™ i tekst „Imagine what we can accomplish when we work together @successpictures @successpictures”

β€œAll we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.β€œ

Chris posted this 16 March 2023

Hello Gandalf,

Very nicely said! Thank You, however, a group of people are out there, paid to make a Mockery of the Energy Field and Stop those that are making progress, and definitely stop those with knowledge from sharing it with the Community.


I mean, on this thread alone look at what has happened, just one example here:



This is Important - Please Read this!


My Friends,

I have secretly been monitoring the Backup Downloads! In exquisite Detail!

It appears we have a lot of Internet Retardary going on:


Format: [Order] {[ Ip Address, Number of Downloads in the last 20 days ]}


Now, lets do a Geo Ip Lookup in Order:



WOW Hang on a minute here, The 'Romainian' ZPM, and Romania is the worst Culprit!

300 Downloads of a 1.8Gb File in 20 days!!!

That's, 540Gb in 20 Days!

That's 27Gb per day!

If 1 Megabit/s = 0.125 Megabytes/sec

then that's Way to much and just rediculous Greed and Corrupt Idiocy! 

Who am I talking about?

Have we seen this EXACT SAME Behaviour before?

Banned and Disgraced Ex-Member's Fighter and CD_Sharp both live in Romania, and they have been caught doing this very same behaviour before: Aboveunity.com Site Scraping

This next excessive Backup Download, may be Internet Connectivity issues, but in case they are not, I want people be aware, I am monitoring very closely! I will Expose you if you do the Wrong Thing!



My Friends, these are the people that are ruining this Backup Service for you! These are the people making a very special, dedicated effort to ruin this whole thing for you!

Are you ok with this Non-Sense? Are you satisfied that this level of Idiocy is aloud to occur, to make your life harder than normal! Are you satisfied that they are still after all this time, working super hard to take My Site Down, after exposing their Lies and Tom-Foolery in the Thread: Aboveunity.com Site Scraping - It was Fighter and CD_Sharp that tried to take us down Last Time!


Are you going to allow them to keep doing this?


Here you see very clear evidence that we have people, more than one, making a very special effort to make your life harder and harder! Trying to take away the Information you so desperately need for the Future! Tough Times Ahead My Friends!

I hope you can see how much effort they are putting in, to make www.aboveunity.com go away!

Best Wishes,



If anyone has an explanation for this, then please, I would love to hear it!

Trolls exist for one very good reason: Because they are Paid to Exist!

Best Wishes,


  • Liked by
  • Augenblick
  • ISLab
Chris posted this 21 March 2023

My Friends,

Well well well, what do we have here:


This is a Failed zpm Replication Attempt, because the zpm by itself is Rubbish!

The zpm is not what you need!

What you need is: Partnered Output Coils, just like Jagau explained:




Me: January 16, 2015


Fighter: November 24 2022


We all know who tells the TRUTH and it aint over there!

They are at their end, they have no more candy, resorting to showing an LED Flashing periodically, Art Bell showed this about 20 years ago, very old technology, they are at their end, and we all know it!

Best Wishes,


  • Liked by
  • Augenblick
  • ISLab
Chris posted this 22 March 2023

My Friends,

Trust is something that must be earned, its easily tested, and many have shown how Un-Trust Worthy they really are!

A Self Running Machine was posted to a thread previously, and the thread was deleted. Deleted by the Thread Owner. I had given some constructive criticism, on the way the thread was handled. I posted the Secret that the Thread Owner was trying to avoid. Trying to claim as their own amazing discovery.


The thread was posted some time ago, November last year, and I posted an argument, showing that the discovery that was claimed was already known:


Oh My, what some people get up to:



So you see the secret, how it can lay right in front of your eyes and not notice it?

I replicated and also showed the secret:


This took me all of about three minutes to throw together.

Here is a simple analogy:


Best Wishes,


AETHERIC_MIND posted this 22 March 2023

Hi Chris and all

Is this a synchronous delayed conduction of 20 nanosec on the partnered output coils during the On time of L1 coil input?

This creates a very fast di/dt  and built a greater voltage.




''Change is never easy but it's worth inertia''

Chris posted this 22 March 2023


Akula called this Ferroresonance.

See the video and turn on cc and then translate.


My source voltage was 2.7v but you can see that from the scope shots.

I got tired of the silly, terms like: "special circuit" were being used and that nonsense helps no one else! So much for the word "Team" when there was not one! We have a much better Tier I Team!

Its a VERY Simple Circuit:

Where VR1 is optional, but may help in improving the Rise and Decay Time. Which is important!


The Black Electrolytic Cap, its not necessary to observe the effect!

Don't forget, the Spike, it is going to appear on both L1 ad L2.


Don't forget, Akula gave us all of this! Its right there in front you all!

This work was mostly done on: Yoelmicro's Ferromagnetic Resonance but started Here: Akula's 30 W Lantern Chris's Replication. A Different thread was deleted. 

Best Wishes,


Chris posted this 30 March 2023

My Friends,

I did warn you, I said it, and here we see, what has "the team" amounted to? What have they achieved?

The shipment arrived and I replaced the temporary resistors in series:

Now all the components are as in the specs.

I noticed a slightly decreased frequency of the pulses which is normal.

For later references I'm posting a small video here with the current behavior:

This replication on the testing board will be the platform for future experiments.

The rest of the components will be used for building the miniaturized versions on permanent boards with soldering.




Nothing, nadda, zilch! A flashing led, that's all! Art Bell had better than this 30 odd years ago and its NOT anything new or amazing!

Just like I said, the so called "zpm" is dead, its a toy that was good only for learning purposes! A stepping stone to learn how to achieve, one day, real progress! How many has it tripped up? Not as many as I expected, only a few!

They tried, and they failed, but hey, its was good for me, because it gave me an opportunity to Clean out the Trolls in wait!

Now we have removed the Trolls, many of them, and closed the Forum Registration, stopping morons re-registering new fake accounts, we now have a very unique opportunity!

Now you see what sort of people I have had to deal with on a regular basis, these sorts of people just can not be trusted! Satan Worshippers!

Best Wishes,


Chris posted this 31 March 2023

My Friends,

Have a Laugh at this On Going Fakery:


Pin= I*V*sqrt(Duty_Cycle)/sqrt(3)

Pin= 0.292a x 24 x sqrt 0.0.382 / sqrt 3 = 2.533 watts

So for  Pout of 4.032 watts  i need only 2.533 watts at input, Still a pretty good COP


Can you believe they are still promoting this Fakery? FAKE and FAKE again!

Right there on the meter: 4.32 Watts Input, and 4.032 Watts Output gives a COP of: 0.93

Fake and Fake and WRONG!!!

Honesty is a very rare commodity these days!

Best Wishes,


  • Liked by
  • Augenblick
Chris posted this 01 April 2023

My Friends,

January 16, 2015 I went public with World Changing Technology, we have seen a multitude of Independent Replications, and still we see a portion of the Community, completely ignore the Evidence!

Do you understand why they ignore the evidence?

It is only going to get worse for them, as every day passes, they are falling further and further into a Trap, set to catch and expose the Criminals of the Community, and I think 99% of you know who I am talking about!

Oh this is so good, days of accountability are here and the exposure grows! What's to come is going to make these people look like complete dummies!

Best Wishes,


  • Liked by
  • Plasmonic
  • Augenblick
donovan posted this 02 April 2023


Thanks Chris for keeping us motivated.  Here in western Canada, spring is just around the corner.  I have been busy getting the farm ready for the season, so not too much time in the lab, lately.  I did order a Metglas core and bobbins.  And keep studying on this forum.



  • Liked by
  • Augenblick
  • Chris
Chris posted this 03 April 2023

My Friends,

Well, Team Fake and Dumb, you know the Plagiarist Pilfers are on a rant bender again, all fake Lies again, they have zero credibility, zero technology, and a horrible website filled with Trolls!

Oh dear how sad, never mind:


Another horrendous failure on their part, they are JBOD!

That fighter, seems to have earned a very bad rep! Lots of peeps angry with him!


Wow looking at that sinking, and sold out raft that keeps such a close eye on this ship, its hard not to post here. I think he's the only one that's posted in over 3 weeks on his site, and of course it's either about Beyondunity.org or a re-posted rant.

This site hasn't been up for too long but if we want to clean some stuff up for him, I believe ChatGPT does a pretty good job:

"Tell me about the device ZPM or Romanian ZPM: In a ZPM, the two coils are typically wound in the same direction to generate a magnetic field that opposes itself, which helps to increase the efficiency of the device. When a current is applied to one coil, it generates a magnetic field that induces a voltage in the other coil, and vice versa. The magnetic field generated by the two coils opposes each other, which creates a standing wave that can be used to power a load.

The operation of the ZPM is based on the interaction between magnetic fields and current-carrying wires, which is a fundamental principle of electromagnetism. This interaction is described by the laws of Maxwell, which have been extensively studied and validated through experiments and observations.

Tell me about a device termed or refered to as or with Partnered Output Coils:

I'm sorry, but I need more information about the context in which the term "Partnered Output Coils" is being used."


I am SO PLEASED I banned alteredunity, you know when you get that feeling about some people, I had that right from the start!


Me: January 16, 2015


Fighter: November 24 2022


We all know who tells the TRUTH and it aint over there!


You know, under 75 to qualify for the Special Olympics!

Yes, www.aboveunity.com is Light Years Ahead! Not hard to see why! Is it!

Best Wishes,


Chris posted this 11 July 2023

My Friends,

I decided to delete the thread: The Fakery @ Beyond Plagiarism.org, I don't need to point out, people already know, I don't need to state the obvious. I can be better than that! I already am better than them! 

The proof is so easy to see, we, AboveUnity.com is Light Years Ahead of the Other Forums, its the truth and everyone knows it!

Best Wishes,


Chris posted this 15 July 2023

My Friends,

Why they fail, because they are Paid to or been brainwashed into believing  it cant be done!

Truth, it can and you need to believe in yourself:


Truth is, you all can do this, its easy and its cheap!

The TRUTH is ONLY found Here! www.aboveunity.com!!! The Proof:

Independent Replication is Scientific Proof:

Proof, and the Dumb Dumb Club cant see the Forest for the Trees! When too many Idiots flood the Forums, they make a mockery of the Truth! Right here, it's been here for nearly a Decade, you can SEE The Truth:

Start Here → Builders Guide to Aboveunity Machines

There are two mistakes along the way to Mastery: Not Starting and and not going all the way!

Cite: Master Shi Heng Yi

On rare occasions, Sweet saw this effect, called self-oscillation, occur in electric transformers

Ref: http://merlib.org/node/5282

The Answers you seek are right here:


I have provided 11 videos on this showing you how to approach this Technology! I have given you all of the data to make this work, and more, to make this, not just a TOY, to make this Power very much more than just a few Globes!

My Friends, when I see 10 successful replications, I will release another Video showing a bit more work, again we have had quite a few successful replications already! Do the Math in these videos! COP > 1.6 in both Machines!

Tinman was the first:


Others followed, like Captainloz:


Others also, some may not want their names used? Security for people is important to me, but eventually, we must do this as a Team and make a Stand!


We have Self-Running Machines, Our Flashlight that a Member of AboveUnity.com has achieved:



Aboveunity.com is Light Years Ahead of the other Forums!

Lighting up the Darkness!!!



Fact is: Not many Researchers are Pragmatic! Most are irrational and illogical!!!

There is only One Truth!

Aboveunity.com is Light Years Ahead of the other Forums!

Lighting up the Darkness!!!


Best Wishes,


Chris posted this 24 July 2023

My Friends,

Some people have opinions that have Zero Bearing in Science:


Opinions that are not even slightly sensible!

I block these people, just go to their account Page, 9 out of 10 times they have Zero Videos, Bot Pages with a pre programmed agenda, and go to the about tab, and Block User. Its so simple Blocking people.

Best Wishes,


FringeIdeas posted this 24 July 2023

That Steven Mark's device is my favorite. I was planning to possibly focusing on that once I get my bearings with the basics. It's a shame they have it all figured out now, and it's a hoax. πŸ˜‚ Sarcasm of course. And interesting device for sure.

Chris posted this 09 August 2023

My Friends,

Now we see threats and in fighting with the fighter, Aurelian Iordache


"Be carefully..." What a doofus!

My goodness me, what a bunch of Never Achievers! I banned these people because of that!

Best Wishes,


  • Liked by
  • Augenblick
Chris posted this 10 August 2023

My Friends,

The fighter, because he cant think, Aurelian Iordache, seems to be claiming he has been reinstated as a Member here: www.aboveunity.com!

I can assure you, he will never be aloud back here, EVER!


Oh my goodness, he is a total idiot, and has zero thought capability!

One member that I did ban, but perhaps was somewhat premature:


I banned B, simply because Fighter has been capturing Members Passwords, on his forum, and using the credentials here, logging in under their names, so any members that joined his forum, after being members here, I banned, for a few different reasons.

Fighter is a Plagiarist and a Scammer that has Zero Credibility! He is a Liar and a Troll! Fighter has Zero EE Skills and Zero Electrodynamics knowledge. He did not even know how to measure simple DC until I showed him how to do it. Proof is in his thread and the Measurements thread here on this forum! He is an Idiot that is riding on others hard work!


This is Important - Please Read this!


My Friends,

I have secretly been monitoring the Backup Downloads! In exquisite Detail!

It appears we have a lot of Internet Retardary going on:


Format: [Order] {[ Ip Address, Number of Downloads in the last 20 days ]}


Now, lets do a Geo Ip Lookup in Order:



WOW Hang on a minute here, The 'Romainian' ZPM, and Romania is the worst Culprit!

300 Downloads of a 1.8Gb File in 20 days!!!

That's, 540Gb in 20 Days!

That's 27Gb per day!

If 1 Megabit/s = 0.125 Megabytes/sec

then that's Way to much and just rediculous Greed and Corrupt Idiocy! 

Who am I talking about?

Have we seen this EXACT SAME Behaviour before?

Banned and Disgraced Ex-Member's Fighter and CD_Sharp both live in Romania, and they have been caught doing this very same behaviour before: Aboveunity.com Site Scraping

This next excessive Backup Download, may be Internet Connectivity issues, but in case they are not, I want people be aware, I am monitoring very closely! I will Expose you if you do the Wrong Thing!



My Friends, these are the people that are ruining this Backup Service for you! These are the people making a very special, dedicated effort to ruin this whole thing for you!

Are you ok with this Non-Sense? Are you satisfied that this level of Idiocy is aloud to occur, to make your life harder than normal! Are you satisfied that they are still after all this time, working super hard to take My Site Down, after exposing their Lies and Tom-Foolery in the Thread: Aboveunity.com Site Scraping - It was Fighter and CD_Sharp that tried to take us down Last Time!


Are you going to allow them to keep doing this?


Here you see very clear evidence that we have people, more than one, making a very special effort to make your life harder and harder! Trying to take away the Information you so desperately need for the Future! Tough Times Ahead My Friends!

I hope you can see how much effort they are putting in, to make www.aboveunity.com go away!

Best Wishes,



Fighter in all his brain dead, only makes us look better and better everyday his Dumb continues! He does not even know that there is a Watt to Lumen Conversion! First class Idiot!


There are a few, who defend and uphold Truth and Facts! No matter what you think of me, Truth and Facts still Shine! I Thank those of you who are defending the Truth, like Baerndorfer, Inception, and a few others! Truth always wins in the end, no matter how hard the Trolls Try! I am surprised Troll Boy has not banned you and deleted your posts, he hates the Truth!

Best Wishes,


  • Liked by
  • Augenblick
Chris posted this 11 August 2023

My Friends,

Yep, the worlds dumbest idiot, Fighter,  Aurelian Iordache, still hasn't worked out he had a Ground Loop, and his zpm is a Fake:

The Ground loop is causing his amazing waveform, and its all fake, but he is too dumb to work that out even after I pointed that out to him several times!

Hi Fighter,

I would invest in small precision resistors.

You could use those shunts, but there will be a large error margin because of the super high Ampere rating: 200A

Also I did not see a defined Resistance, assuming ( 0.00038 Ohms from Ohms Law ), and did not see any accuracy rating: ±5%

I would find some 0.1 Ohms precision resistors. It will make life very much easier!

Measure Mean Input:


Measure Mean Output:


NOTE: If your PSU is Grounded to the same Ground as your Scope, you may have an issue here.

Ohms Law, I = V / R gives us a 10x factor ( 0.1 Ohms ) that's why the Current Probe is 10x then its just:

Vmean x Imean = Pmean

It would be nice as I PM'd you, to put big Caps in there to smooth out the DC Ripple, but most scopes today should be able to sort this out!



2019, did you read that:

NOTE: If your PSU is Grounded to the same Ground as your Scope, you may have an issue here.


Dumb as a bucket of Mud!

I showed measurements after I found and pointed out the ground loop in fighters work, the zpm is NOT AU I proved it to everyone already!!!

Chris posted this 30 November 2021 - 


My Friends,

In the following Configuration:



Input Power:



Output Power:


Input: 13 watts and output 8 watts. NOT AU!

Its clear fighter is happy to continue the Lie, The Hoax, and Defraud People with his Lies!

But, if you do want something that works, a Real Working Machine, we have them! The ONLY Forum in the world!!!

The TRUTH is ONLY found Here! www.aboveunity.com!!! The Proof:

Independent Replication is Scientific Proof:

Proof, and the Dumb Dumb Club cant see the Forest for the Trees! When too many Idiots flood the Forums, they make a mockery of the Truth! Right here, it's been here for nearly a Decade, you can SEE The Truth:

Start Here → Builders Guide to Aboveunity Machines

There are two mistakes along the way to Mastery: Not Starting and and not going all the way!

Cite: Master Shi Heng Yi

On rare occasions, Sweet saw this effect, called self-oscillation, occur in electric transformers

Ref: http://merlib.org/node/5282

The Answers you seek are right here:


I have provided 11 videos on this showing you how to approach this Technology! I have given you all of the data to make this work, and more, to make this, not just a TOY, to make this Power very much more than just a few Globes!

My Friends, when I see 10 successful replications, I will release another Video showing a bit more work, again we have had quite a few successful replications already! Do the Math in these videos! COP > 1.6 in both Machines!

Tinman was the first:


Others followed, like Captainloz:


Others also, some may not want their names used? Security for people is important to me, but eventually, we must do this as a Team and make a Stand!


We have Self-Running Machines, Our Flashlight that a Member of AboveUnity.com has achieved:



Aboveunity.com is Light Years Ahead of the other Forums!

Lighting up the Darkness!!!



Fact is: Not many Researchers are Pragmatic! Most are irrational and illogical!!!

There is only One Truth!

Aboveunity.com is Light Years Ahead of the other Forums!

Lighting up the Darkness!!!


Best Wishes,


  • Liked by
  • Augenblick
thaelin posted this 11 August 2023

I will be kind and considerate, he gits an "E" for effort. Still looking. I have the 400 core and coils now finished. Setting up the driver circuits now. Just cant let this one go until I see the product. 


  • Liked by
  • Chris
  • Augenblick
Chris posted this 12 August 2023

My Friends,

Hi Thay, yes, an E is Generous!

Itsu also proved fighters zpm to be a Hoax, A Lie and Fighters attempt to push it, a Troll Tactic, Hoaxing the Community! He is one dangerous Plagiarist and a faker! A Liar! But we all know that now! Itsu was banned for not agreeing with fighters lies!

Only the Trolls I banned, the trolls I banned from here, because I knew they were Trolls, only those Trolls Support him, they have no where else to go, no one will have them!

So they have to support his trolleyness!

Not one single useful post over there! Not one!

I caught them, I caught them all and Banned them all!!! These people are all Banned and Disgraced Ex-Aboveunity.com Members!

Their troll plan failed and they have become obsolete! Jealous of the success of Aboveunity.com! Its clear, that's why they have a cry in their thread: "Public answer to Chris from aboveunity.com", oh poor little baby troll sooks!

Best Wishes,


  • Liked by
  • Augenblick
  • ISLab
Chris posted this 23 September 2023

My Friends,

I had to have a laugh at this:

Hi Chris, 

A quick note re: "Excess Energy" devices - 


Review the thread (22 pages). Describes a "real device" (analysis included) regarding the

Holcomb inventions and subsiquent CAE Analysis developments, BTW, this is an "Open Source

presentation; for all the open source fans." 

The  Holcomb (HES) devices are found here: 

https://www.facebook.com/holcombenergysystems  and 


These are actually "REAL" devices and are being fielded as we speak! 

Maybe not "light years ahead" - but just "real developments" from  the "real world" ! 

Might be worth your while to have a look - they're actual excess energy devices (40KW+).  


Of course this is only one method to achieve "Excess Energy" but it has been proven. 




I Banned SolarLab because I felt he was running of on wild goose chases and was trying very hard to push Simulation App's that have no real basis in the end goal!

SolarLab is having some sort of Solar Flare, because his fascination with someone else's work and ideas, is still failing. His fascination and obsession with the Holcomb setup, a setup that SolarLab still has no idea about what so ever, really, its just ridiculous!

  • This thing is Massive, needing a warehouse to contain!
  • Spending half a million dollars to save 50% on a 10K dollar bill, wow, very practical SolarFlare! There is nothing practical about this setup at all!
  • You state: "No moving parts" well, a Motor and a "Generator" is considered moving parts, is it not?


I can do 10KW in a box no bigger than a Wheel Barrow, here you see a Warehouse is needed to contain this Holcomb Setup, WTF Man!

We have given freely, 100% of the answer, others are building Working Machines with the knowledge I have Shared, while SolarBlab rants on and on about a completely Impractical Setup, just non-sense!

Beyond Stupidity .Orgas... is where all the Failures go! That crowd are still trying desperately to gain a following, but still have not realised, that no one believes their Lies and Propaganda!

Speaking of "Real", I have been showing "Real" for decades now SolarBlab, how "Real" are your Simulations? Or Experiments, I mean, it is very obvious you still have not succeeded! The List of "Real" that I have behind me is longer than anyone's, ever! No one has EVER achieved what I have! I mean, go ask Captainloz, Tinman, and many others about their successes, that I helped them achieve! Tinman told you straight up:

Many here laugh at, and mok EMJ, but the fact is , he is basically right in what he is trying to put forward.



The TRUTH is ONLY found Here! www.aboveunity.com!!! The Proof:

Independent Replication is Scientific Proof:

Proof, and the Dumb Dumb Club cant see the Forest for the Trees! When too many Idiots flood the Forums, they make a mockery of the Truth! Right here, it's been here for nearly a Decade, you can SEE The Truth:

Start Here → Builders Guide to Aboveunity Machines

There are two mistakes along the way to Mastery: Not Starting and and not going all the way!

Cite: Master Shi Heng Yi

On rare occasions, Sweet saw this effect, called self-oscillation, occur in electric transformers

Ref: http://merlib.org/node/5282

The Answers you seek are right here:


I have provided 11 videos on this showing you how to approach this Technology! I have given you all of the data to make this work, and more, to make this, not just a TOY, to make this Power very much more than just a few Globes!

My Friends, when I see 10 successful replications, I will release another Video showing a bit more work, again we have had quite a few successful replications already! Do the Math in these videos! COP > 1.6 in both Machines!

Tinman was the first:


Others followed, like Captainloz:


Others also, some may not want their names used? Security for people is important to me, but eventually, we must do this as a Team and make a Stand!


We have Self-Running Machines, Our Flashlight that a Member of AboveUnity.com has achieved:



Aboveunity.com is Light Years Ahead of the other Forums!

Lighting up the Darkness!!!




Such simple tech, and so many dummies just cant grasp it!

There are a lot of very very stupid people out there, that's why AboveUnity.com is Light Years Ahead of the others! We are Lighting up the Darkness!!! So the Dummies can see!

Best Wishes,


Chris posted this 06 October 2023

My Friends,

Its so funny, the losers' over on the other forum, you know the Banned and Disgraced losers' that are just time waster Trolls of the community that have Zero Progress and Zero Direction, are still having a go at trying very hard to discredit me, but alas, they will always Fail!

They will Fail, because that's in their nature, they are just Failures!

Me, myself, I would do anything to make sure I am not on the WRONG Side of History!

I would hate to be the Few Looser Trolls, and I have almost all of your names, known thorough time, as the Trolls that tried, and Failed to hold back Progress, wouldn't that Suck, to be the JP Morgan Shills in the Tesla Story, well that's what these people are trying very hard to do, they are trying, and Failing, because they cant succeed at anything, they are trying very very hard to debunk Real Working Machines that have a history of known and provable Successes:

Independent Replication is Scientific Proof:

Proof, and the Dumb Dumb Club cant see the Forest for the Trees! When too many Idiots flood the Forums, they make a mockery of the Truth! Right here, it's been here for nearly a Decade, you can SEE The Truth:

Start Here → Builders Guide to Aboveunity Machines

There are two mistakes along the way to Mastery: Not Starting and and not going all the way!

Cite: Master Shi Heng Yi

On rare occasions, Sweet saw this effect, called self-oscillation, occur in electric transformers

Ref: http://merlib.org/node/5282

The Answers you seek are right here:


I have provided 11 videos on this showing you how to approach this Technology! I have given you all of the data to make this work, and more, to make this, not just a TOY, to make this Power very much more than just a few Globes!

My Friends, when I see 10 successful replications, I will release another Video showing a bit more work, again we have had quite a few successful replications already! Do the Math in these videos! COP > 1.6 in both Machines!

Tinman was the first:


Others followed, like Captainloz:


Others also, some may not want their names used? Security for people is important to me, but eventually, we must do this as a Team and make a Stand!


We have Self-Running Machines, Our Flashlight that a Member of AboveUnity.com has achieved:



Aboveunity.com is Light Years Ahead of the other Forums!

Lighting up the Darkness!!!




Yep, for damn sure, I would not want to be the idiots on the Wrong Side of History! Like these Idiots are!

Soon, very soon, we will have a very big event, and the Good will be the Winners!

Best Wishes,



  • Liked by
  • Augenblick
  • FringeIdeas
Chris posted this 15 October 2023

My Friends,

It seems the Dumb Dumb Club is getting left behind further and further everyday!

Professor Emeritus of Photonics and Quantum Engineering at the University of Colorado, Garret Moddel PhD speaks on ZPE.


Garret Moddel PhD, my hat is off to you sir! Very good to see such a wonderful, educated approach to a very important field.

Again, YouTube has removed all of my comments on this video, not one is still attached to this video:


YouTube and its continued Censorship, very clearly shows these people are absolutely terrified of Us and our Advancement in this area! FACT!

Oh dear, my friends, there are a lot of very very dumb people out there, and this video shows just how dumb these people are! The Energy Field seems to attract so many complete dumb idiots, all the Banned and Disgraced Idiots are nothing but Trolls and Hoaxers, Bought and Paid for Shills, trying to mislead you all from the truth!

I have given all the answers you need, everything is complete, many have already succeeded with the information I have given!

Don't get left behind: Builders Guide to Aboveunity Machines

The Proof is right in front of your eyes:

Independent Replication is Scientific Proof:

Proof, and the Dumb Dumb Club cant see the Forest for the Trees! When too many Idiots flood the Forums, they make a mockery of the Truth! Right here, it's been here for nearly a Decade, you can SEE The Truth:

Start Here → Builders Guide to Aboveunity Machines

There are two mistakes along the way to Mastery: Not Starting and and not going all the way!

Cite: Master Shi Heng Yi

On rare occasions, Sweet saw this effect, called self-oscillation, occur in electric transformers

Ref: http://merlib.org/node/5282

The Answers you seek are right here:


I have provided 11 videos on this showing you how to approach this Technology! I have given you all of the data to make this work, and more, to make this, not just a TOY, to make this Power very much more than just a few Globes!

My Friends, when I see 10 successful replications, I will release another Video showing a bit more work, again we have had quite a few successful replications already! Do the Math in these videos! COP > 1.6 in both Machines!

Tinman was the first:


Others followed, like Captainloz:


Others also, some may not want their names used? Security for people is important to me, but eventually, we must do this as a Team and make a Stand!


We have Self-Running Machines, Our Flashlight that a Member of AboveUnity.com has achieved:



Aboveunity.com is Light Years Ahead of the other Forums!

Lighting up the Darkness!!!



We are Light Years ahead of the other forums! Light Years Ahead!!!

Best Wishes,


Chris posted this 06 November 2023

My Friends,

We have exposed many Troll's and Troll Sleeper groups, all Banned now! A few new Trolls have tried to come back!


The proof is evident, 100% without a doubt, www.aboveunity.com is the one and only world leader in Energy Machine Technologies. 

No one else even comes close! We have continued to set a very high president! That's a Fact!

The Proof is right in front of your eyes:

Independent Replication is Scientific Proof:

Proof, and the Dumb Dumb Club cant see the Forest for the Trees! When too many Idiots flood the Forums, they make a mockery of the Truth! Right here, it's been here for nearly a Decade, you can SEE The Truth:

Start Here → Builders Guide to Aboveunity Machines

There are two mistakes along the way to Mastery: Not Starting and and not going all the way!

Cite: Master Shi Heng Yi

On rare occasions, Sweet saw this effect, called self-oscillation, occur in electric transformers

Ref: http://merlib.org/node/5282

The Answers you seek are right here:


I have provided 11 videos on this showing you how to approach this Technology! I have given you all of the data to make this work, and more, to make this, not just a TOY, to make this Power very much more than just a few Globes!

My Friends, when I see 10 successful replications, I will release another Video showing a bit more work, again we have had quite a few successful replications already! Do the Math in these videos! COP > 1.6 in both Machines!

Tinman was the first:


Others followed, like Captainloz:


Others also, some may not want their names used? Security for people is important to me, but eventually, we must do this as a Team and make a Stand!


We have Self-Running Machines, Our Flashlight that a Member of AboveUnity.com has achieved:



Aboveunity.com is Light Years Ahead of the other Forums!

Lighting up the Darkness!!!




We have shown you the Trolls, that have attacked us, we have exposed them, and the small minded morons, went and copied My Website Design and Layout, creating their own and failing big time at it. They have nothing to share! They have no valuable knowledge! They have nothing valuable to share!

Anyway, fact of the matter is, I do have Valuable Information, and I have shared it, and, importantly, we have many Successful Independent Replications! But there are dummies that cant see the Facts, because they are not smart enough to see the Truth!

This video and what I have shared has changed the world:


Yup, looser trolls cant even come close!

Oh my, there are a large number of Dumb Asses out there, many people that have achieved nothing, and never will! I have changed the world!

Even the Banned and Disgraced Trolls come back here and read My Pages, WHY? Because they have nothing, they have no idea what so ever, and no ideas of their own, just like Nikola Tesla said:


Its true, they just have no idea! They have no original ideas, so they become plagiarists! Steel others ideas!

Thing is, I am still not finished yet, more is coming, we have much more to come and no one can stop me! No one can stop us! We have Crushed the Idiot Trolls! Crushed the Haters!

Anyone up for sponsoring the Looser Signs to hang around these people necks? They only exist because trolls visit troll Websites! The Troll Club!

The Trolls just aren't smart enough to see how dumb they really look!

Best Wishes,


  • Liked by
  • Augenblick
Chris posted this 19 November 2023

My Friends,

Well, the Banned and Disgraced Loosers are getting noisy over at Looser Ville! They hate being Loosers and Loosing!

Banned and Disgraced Ex-Member fighter, aka Aurelian Iordache, Professional Plagiarist, ruined it for all of you, it has Zero Effect on Me, I just Ban the Morons that follow that Idiot! I had to when he stole all your passwords, so he could access Tier II and III under your accounts, when you signed up on his Plagiarism!!! So you only have yourselves to blame!

Honestly, there is only two people over there that I would have liked to have continued a friendship with, but if you chose to do what you have done then its on you! Two of some forty, isn't that bad odds! The cost in keeping these people on pay role, mustn't be cheap! I don't think their employ is worth a pinch of sh*t!

True colors come out in the end, we all know who you are, what you are and History will always remember you as the drop kicks, the Bad Guys, the Bought and Paid for Shills, that are a Disgrace to Humanity!

Let it be, these liddle idiots have a liddle island where they can carry on with their liddle cause, and never come near the majority of the population ever again, Oh yes, that's called GITMO just in case you have not heard of it! Liddle idiots, with delusions of grandeur, these liddle shills are! Everyday readers need to see how deep this goes! 

Wear your badge with Honor, the Whole world can see very clearly what you have done!!!


You got Caught,

you got Banned,

and now you are Disgraced and Banned Trolls!



Enjoy being hated for your actions, most of what you have done is listed here on my website with all the evidence provided! Trolls that have sacrificed their eldest to join the Club!!!

And as we speak, they still have Zero Progress and Zero Energy Machines that have any practical use!!!

The best thing, is showing the whole world how hard a small group of very poorly educated fools try so hard, with all their effort, to discredit me, and FAIL! Dumb Asses, they haven't realised, it only makes me look more and more legitimate because of their Troll Efforts, everyone can see right through these idiots! Everyone knows! My numbers just keep going up and up all the time!!! I have all the experiments proving I have given you all the answers and they have Zilch! See the Evidence right here:

Independent Replication is Scientific Proof:

Proof, and the Dumb Dumb Club cant see the Forest for the Trees! When too many Idiots flood the Forums, they make a mockery of the Truth! Right here, it's been here for nearly a Decade, you can SEE The Truth:

Start Here → Builders Guide to Aboveunity Machines

There are two mistakes along the way to Mastery: Not Starting and and not going all the way!

Cite: Master Shi Heng Yi

On rare occasions, Sweet saw this effect, called self-oscillation, occur in electric transformers

Ref: http://merlib.org/node/5282

The Answers you seek are right here:


I have provided 11 videos on this showing you how to approach this Technology! I have given you all of the data to make this work, and more, to make this, not just a TOY, to make this Power very much more than just a few Globes!

My Friends, when I see 10 successful replications, I will release another Video showing a bit more work, again we have had quite a few successful replications already! Do the Math in these videos! COP > 1.6 in both Machines!

Tinman was the first:


Others followed, like Captainloz:


Others also, some may not want their names used? Security for people is important to me, but eventually, we must do this as a Team and make a Stand!


We have Self-Running Machines, Our Flashlight that a Member of AboveUnity.com has achieved:



Aboveunity.com is Light Years Ahead of the other Forums!

Lighting up the Darkness!!!



We are Light Years Ahead and always will be! I have already won and there is nothing they can do!

Best Wishes,


We're Light Years Ahead!
Members Online:

No one online at the moment

What is a Scalar:

In physics, scalars are physical quantities that are unaffected by changes to a vector space basis. Scalars are often accompanied by units of measurement, as in "10 cm". Examples of scalar quantities are mass, distance, charge, volume, time, speed, and the magnitude of physical vectors in general.

You need to forget the Non-Sense that some spout with out knowing the actual Definition of the word Scalar! Some people talk absolute Bull Sh*t!

The pressure P in the formula P = pgh, pgh is a scalar that tells you the amount of this squashing force per unit area in a fluid.

A Scalar, having both direction and magnitude, can be anything! The Magnetic Field, a Charge moving, yet some Numb Nuts think it means Magic Science!

Message from God:

Hello my children. This is Yahweh, the one true Lord. You have found creation's secret. Now share it peacefully with the world.

Ref: Message from God written inside the Human Genome

God be in my head, and in my thinking.

God be in my eyes, and in my looking.

God be in my mouth, and in my speaking.

Oh, God be in my heart, and in my understanding.

Your Support:

More than anything else, your contributions to this forum are most important! We are trying to actively get all visitors involved, but we do only have a few main contributors, which are very much appreciated! If you would like to see more pages with more detailed experiments and answers, perhaps a contribution of another type maybe possible:

PayPal De-Platformed me!

They REFUSE to tell me why!

We now use Wise!

Use E-Mail: Chris at aboveunity.com

The content I am sharing is not only unique, but is changing the world as we know it! Please Support Us!

Thank You So Much!

Weeks High Earners:
The great Nikola Tesla:

Ere many generations pass, our machinery will be driven by a power obtainable at any point of the universe. This idea is not novel. Men have been led to it long ago by instinct or reason. It has been expressed in many ways, and in many places, in the history of old and new. We find it in the delightful myth of Antheus, who drives power from the earth; we find it among the subtle speculations of one of your splendid mathematicians, and in many hints and statements of thinkers of the present time. Throughout space there is energy. Is this energy static or kinetic? If static, our hopes are in vain; if kinetic - and this we know it is for certain - then it is a mere question of time when men will succeed in attaching their machinery to the very wheelwork of nature.

Experiments With Alternate Currents Of High Potential And High Frequency (February 1892).
