My Friends,

We have had ducks since October 11 2021, this was them:


Today I heard a squeaking, a noise I had not herd for some time, so I went to investigate!

I was very surprised by what I found:


No more than a day or two old!

Mother duck, is a bit unsure of what to do, her first clutch:


Here, on the 24th of May, we are only one week away from Winter. So I may have to do something to make sure this wonderful example of the Beauty of Life, survives. I have been saving some Styrofoam boxes, so I might add to our nesting boxes.

My Ducks are fenced in, away from predators, not to say its impossible, but they are pretty safe.

This made my day! ๐Ÿ˜‰

Nature is so cool:


The Australian Tree Frog does not just live in Trees!

Best Wishes,
